FRIDAY FAVES // NA Drinks, Zesty Pink Wines, and Dining Out in New York

Photo: No Revisions via Unsplash

Hi! I hope your week has been lovely. Here are some things that caught our eye on the internet this week!


- Regretful pandemic purchases. We've all got 'em, right?

- I wish there were more hyper-detailed guides to eating out in a specific city. This one about New York from Cup of Jo is great!

- "Inside the New Temperance Movement."

- I can't stop drinking this lip smacking pink!

- Oreo announces the return of a CLASSIC flavor. Can you guess what it is?

- Can't get over this tipsy selfie Martha Stewart posted on her 81st birthday. Also—the lady looks GOOD!

See you next time!

FRIDAY FAVES // Wine For Your Sign, Croatian Reds, and a Tater Tots Cake

Photo: Mohammad Amin via Unsplash

Woah, is summer halfway over already?! I hope you have exciting plans for the weekend! For now, please enjoy some things we found on the internet this week.

FRIDAY FAVES - 7.15.22

- Wine horoscopes are fun! We've been doing them too, on our Instagram.

- If you're not watching Alison Roman's Home Movies on YouTube, well then I don't know what to tell you.

- Really loving this lean and freshly tannic Plavac Mali from Croatia. Make sure you chill it!

- Check out this tater tots cake! Dreams DO come true?

- These beaded fruit earrings are so sweet and childlike.

Thanks for reading!


FRIDAY FAVES // Rhubarb Crumble, Pizza Wines, and the Pecorino Grape

Photo: Emily Rentsch

Hello there! It's hot and sticky here in Minnesota! Here are some internet goodies we're cooling down with this week. 


- This strawberry-rhubarb crumble couldn't be easier to throw together. Aren't the simplest things the most delicious sometimes?

- This bitsy stop motion animation of someone painting their nails is SO satisfying!

- I think it might be time to revisit our Pizza Party SHOP section...

- All about the Pecorino grape. I guess it's not just a cheese! ;)

- Ever wondered what someone like Claire Saffitz eats for dinner?

See you next time!


FRIDAY FAVES // Nutella Fluff, Fancy Lemonade, and The Most Famous Bloodhound

Photo: Nikita Tikhomirov via Unsplash

Happy Fourth of July weekend! Eat some watermelon and get some sun!



- Um, how did I not know that Nutella Fluff was a thing?! Making this ASAP.

- We love Mary Taylor! Here's a great article on how she made a business out of her love for delicious European wines.

- This cantaloupe lemonade would taste extra refreshing topped with some bubbles! This sparkling Sauvignon Blanc would be perfect.

- My heart! The first bloodhound to win Westminster's best in show is a sweet and squishy dog called Trumpet!

- These ceramic plates are so cheeky, I can't stand it.

Thanks for reading!

FRIDAY FAVES // Surfing Winemakers, Stripey Cups, and How To Bottle Flowers

Photo: Valeria Bold via Unsplash

Good morning! Behold, a few summery morsels to soak up as you head into the weekend. Enjoy!

FRIDAY FAVES - 6.24.22


- Mmm, brown butter tomatoes sound yummy.

- Don't forget that you CAN drink red wine in the summer heat! Here are some chillable options.

- Wine makers who surf!

- Inmates who make wine!

- These stripey wine cups are VERY of-the-times and look like they would be right at home on a beach.

- Every year I wish I could bottle the scent of the lilacs in my yard. I finally looked up how to do it!

See ya next week!

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