[COCKTAIL] Hydrating Wine Cocktails for Summer

Picture it: The sun is burning high in the sky. You’re lounging on a colorful beach towel, listening to the tinkling sounds of children laughing in the background as your skin slowly warms. The hazy blue line of the ocean waves at you in the distance. You’ve got a good book nearby. You’re all SPF-ed up. And you’re sipping on a little pink wine from your canteen. It’s the perfect day.
Perfect, that is, until you get dehydrated. Gasp!
Nothing goes better with the summer sun than a glass of crisp wine. But this delectable combo can be a little lethal when you’re not watching your water intake. Luckily, there’s a simple and delicious way to keep that from happening.
Say hello to hydrating wine cocktails! Below you’ll find three easy recipes for some wine-based beverages that will keep you feeling healthy and sober while still enjoying the season.
And when I say “recipes,” I really mean loose instructions. Feel free to make these cocktails your own! Add fresh mint, rosemary, or fruit. Switch...